Ensemble Theater Company of Santa Barbara announces the world premiere of “Parents In Chains”
I’m ecstatic about this production and this amazing cast! Click on read more for more info and a link to tickets.
I’m ecstatic about this production and this amazing cast! Click on read more for more info and a link to tickets.
Presently, The Present is being presented in movie theaters across the United Kingdom. Here’s the book of the movie, currently available on Kindle and ebook (eventually in paperback), which was written while the movie was being developed. Thanks to everyone who has supported the project in the six years it’s taken to get to this […]
I was very fortunate to have this wonderful cast read my new play at the Moving Arts Theater: (l to r) Andy Daley, James Urbaniak, Joshua Malina, Janet Varney, Rhea Seehorn, Katie Roberts and Kevin Delin. I’m currently in talks to put some kind of production together for the spring/summer. Stay tuned!
Before finalizing your purchase, we need you to prove your humanity by passing this test created by CAPTCHA, the wonderful program that protects websites with tests that humans can pass but bots cannot. And the best part is: It’s completely operated by bots! Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! (As a bot myself I can’t […]
“Inglorious Seabees”: A crew of renegade sailors thwart the attack on Pearl Harbor, shooting down the Japanese planes while bare-footed nurses cheer them on. “Once Upon a Time…In the Midwest”: At Kent State in 1970, a group of Chinese transfer students go ninja on the Ohio National Guard, saving a group of shoeless co-eds — […]
This is a piece is recently wrote for the New Yorker about the challenge of writing comedy in the Trump Error, I mean Error, I mean…ERA! (Spell-check is sometimes pretty smart.)
It would be so easy to blame it on my being insulated by my wealth and privilege. But I refuse to do that, and the assistant I’m dictating this to feels the same way.
If you were only reading my posts about this trip, you might assume I was having terrible time. This is because the things I enjoy writing about are the disasters and near-disasters of travel; you can only write so much about a pretty view. So read on with the understanding that for every misfortune there […]