My Latest New Yorker Piece
“Maskhole,” “body Zoom-morphia,” and more neologisms for coronavirus communication.
The words M,A,G & A need some rehabilitation. Let’s get started!
In the 1/13/20 issue. It’s not every writer who gets their life story told in the New Yorker.
Tremendously fat honey thief Winnie-the-Pooh deserves to get stuck in Rabbit’s hole. Not crying for him, believe me, or low-energy Eeyore.
Here’s my problem: I don’t believe in people. To me, human beings and their world are nothing more than the product of our collective imagination, a sad manifestation of our need to feel important beyond our actual existence.
I met Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele five years ago, in my manager’s office. They were looking for showrunners for a sketch-comedy project they were developing for Comedy Central. The meeting was supposed to last an hour…
If a game lasts more than twelve innings, sabres will be supplied to twenty fans from each side. The team with the most surviving members after the ensuing melee wins. All feet must be cleared from the batter’s box before the next game.